Throat Lozenges
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Throat Lozenges",<br />"description":"Soothe and calm a scratchy throat with our wide range of natural throat lozenges. With ingredients like Manuka, Propolis and Elderberry, you can comfort and quiet any tickles and get a head start against ills and chills.",</p>
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<p>A tickly throat can be the first sign that the immune system needs some support. Thankfully, we have a range of Throat Lozenges to calm and support the natural function of the mucous membranes in the throat and upper respiratory tract.</p>
<p>Throat Lozenges contain key nutrients to support the healthy functioning of the immune system. Ingredients such as propolis can support the balance of bacteria in the throat and upper respiratory tract. Some lozenges also feature Manuka Honey with proven levels of methylglyoxyl (MGO), the sought-after plant compound found specifically in Manuka honey. The addition of essential oils such as peppermint and menthol can support healthy breathing and clear airways to keep you and your family breathing easy.</p>
<p>For a supplement to compliment a Throat Lozenge, try adding a <a href="">Functional Mushroom</a>. They are fast becoming a mainstay in the home supplement kit, to support a robust immune response.</p>
<p>For more ideas of what to include in your home kit, have a look at our <a href="" target="_blank">10 Top Immune Support Products for under $25.</a></p>
<h3>The Benefits of Throat Lozenges</h3>
<li>Calm a tickly throat</li>
<li>Support the natural cough reflex</li>
<li>Support immune system function</li>
<li>Support healthy breathing and clear sinuses</li>
<li>Provide upper respiratory and airway support</li>
<li>They usually taste quite nice – which helps to get you through</li>
<h3>Throat Lozenges and Sugar</h3>
<p>When facing a tickly throat, and the other effects of ills and chills, a Throat Lozenge can provide a little bit of sunshine. At HealthPost, our strict sugar policy excludes lozenges due to the necessity for sugar in the making of the lozenge. Sugar is required for the hardening of the lozenge, so with this in mind, we recommend that lozenges should not be over consumed due to their sugar content. While they can be taken as needed throughout the day and night, care should be taken to avoid overconsumption.</p>
<p>Throat Lozenges are a part of the <a href="">Specialty Supplements</a> range here at HealthPost.</p>
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